Falling asleep during class is common for many students, no matter how old you are, but don’t worry, here are a few tips you can use to keep yourself awake and energized throughout the day to avoid dozing during class.
1. Breakfast
Research shows that a nutritious breakfast is important for overall physical and mental health. Eating a healthy breakfast before school also gives your body the fuel it needs to prevent energy dips during morning classes.
2. Get Enough Rest
To get enough time to sleep, you need to work on your time management skills. Apart from that, you need to avoid procrastination. For this, you can divide your tasks into small parts so that you can do the tasks in your limited time. In this way, you can manage your time and have enough time to sleep.
3. Sit at The Front Desk
If you sit in the front, then you need to pay attention anyhow because the teacher can easily observe you. So, you have to stay awake during the class.
4. Breathe some fresh air
If you are stuck in a classroom, taking a few deep breaths can help deliver a little more oxygen to your system. That might be just what you need to stay awake and attentive.
5. Participate
Being actively engaged, whether it’s taking notes or participating in a classroom discussion, can help keep you from snoozing during a class.
If the class allows for questions and discussions, be the student who raises a hand and keeps the conversation going.
6. Try to move your body
Sitting still for too long can make you feel tired. Try to move your body to feel more alert and think more clearly.
7. Stay Hydrated
Drinking water is one of the simple and healthier options than taking caffeine products. Most of the time, dehydration will affect the oxygen flow to your brain and will make you fatigued. Staying hydrated will definitely keep you active in your class.
Those are some tips to avoid falling asleep in class. Getting enough sleep helps you feel well-rested and keeps your mind and body healthy. You can use a number of strategies above to help you stay awake during class.