Simple Present Tense (Nominal)

Setelah sebelumnya membahas pengertian dan fungsi simple present tense serta rumus kalimat verbal simple present tense, kali ini kami akan membahas tentang bagaimana membuat kalimat nominal simple present tense.

Dalam kalimat nominal, predikat yang digunakan tidak mengandung tindakan (non verbal). Untuk simple present tense nominal, predikat berupa to be. To be yang digunakan yaitu “am”, “is”, dan “are”. Am digunakan setelah subjek I, is digunakan untuk subjek she dan he, sedangkan are digunakan untuk kalimat dengan subjek you, we, they. Setelah to be, kalimat nominal diikuti complement yang berupa adjective/noun/adverb/pronoun.

Berikut ini rumus dan contoh kalimat nominal simple present tense.

1. Kalimat Positif (Positive Sentence)

Subject + am/is/are + complement.

-I am a student.
-You are beautiful.
-We are happy.
-They are hungry.
-He is a kind person.
-She is in the kitchen.
-It is my cat.

2. Kalimat Negatif (Negative Sentence)

Subject + am/is/are + not + complement.

-I am not a student.
-You are not beautiful.
-We are not happy.
-They are not hungry.
-He is not a kind person.
-She is not in the kitchen.
-It is not my cat.

3. Kalimat Interogatif (Interogative Sentence)

Am/is/are + subject + complement?

-Am I a student?
-Are you beautiful?
-Are we happy?
-Are they hungry?
-Is he a kind person?
-Is she in the kitchen?
-Is it my cat?

Itulah rumus kalimat nominal simple present tense beserta contohnya. Semoga bermanfaat!

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