Contoh Pembukaan dan Penutup Pidato dalam Bahasa Inggris

Menurut KBBI pidato adalah pengungkapan pikiran dalam bentuk kata-kata yang ditujukan kepada orang banyak atau wacana yang disiapkan untuk diucapkan di depan khalayak. Maka dari itu, teks pidato merupakan ungkapan pikiran, gagasan, pendapat, serta pengetahuan seseorang terhadap suatu hal yang akan disampaikan di depan umum.

Meskipun isi teks pidato merupakan ungkapan yang telah disebutkan di atas, namun harus tetap memperhatikan struktur dalam menyusunnya.
Ada tiga struktur teks pidato, yaitu:

1. Pembukaan
2. Isi
3. Penutup

Unsur tersebut sangatlah penting dalam membuat teks pidato.
Bagi teman-teman yang kesulitan menyusun pidato terutama pada bagian pembukaan dan penutup dalam Bahasa Inggris, di bawah ini beberapa contohnya.

Selamat membaca dan semoga bermanfaat.

Assalamualaikum wr wb
Dear all excellencies,
And all my friends thank you for welcoming me

I thank you Allah for all mercies
I yhank you for our prophet Muhammad SAW for all guidance, Allohumma solli ala Muhammad…
I thank you MC for this valuable chance,

Let me share something about……

Thank you all for allowing me to grow with this chance
Let me learn ,let me grow better
Wassalamualaikum wr wb

Assalamualaikum wr wb
Dear all my honorable teachers
And my special thank for all my friends for allowing me to be better

I Invite you all to thank to Allah for all his mercies
And let me invite you all to send salutation for our Prophet Muhammad SAW., for his great guidance,
And I thank you my nice MC for allowing me to speak and share more with you all about….

Thank you for your best five minutes to be with me with my topic today,
I know I’m not perfect but you all have allowed me to learn more and grow faster
Wassalamualaikum wr wb

Assalamualaikum wr wb
My best gratitude goes
to Allah as our God,
to Rasullullah as our Prophet,
Allohumma solli ala Muhammad
to All my respected teachers at …
Specially for Mr/Mrs…
To all my supportive friends
I thank you MC for having me today to share a lot about…

Ladies and Gentlemen ,
This is me, I thank you all for giving your best five minutes to grow with me to learn more from mistakes, once more, allow me to learn from you all and thank you for having me,
Back to MC
Wassalamualaikum wr wb

Assalamualaikum wr wb.
I couldn’t thank enough for all the blessings that happen in my life.
I thank Allah, the one and only to turn to.
I thank Rasulullah, the great teacher of all Muslims,
I thank all teachers, my full respect are yours
And to my all dearest friends.

(quote / strong hook)

It’s such an honor for me to share what I’ve got in my head. Once I leave this stage, I do will remark today as my milestone, the day I spend with good people like you.
I’m …
See you when I see you!
Wassalamualaikum wr wb

Assalamualaikum wr wb
Here I stand to send my all gratitudes;
To Allah, who makes all things possible
To Rasulullah, whose teaching will never fade away
To Mr/Mrs… Who took his/her very first day to inspire us
To Mr/Mrs… Who’s fully courageous
To all friends, my appreciation belongs to you

Well, I’ve come to an end of this speech.
I’m …, I give all times back to MC.
Wassalamualaikum wr wb.

Assalamualaikum wr wb
I wish I could have the best words to appreciate all the miracles that happened in my life.
To Allah, thank you for making such things possible
Nobody but Rasulullah, whose teaching embraces all Muslims’ souls.
To our great teachers,
Specially Mr/Mrs…
Nothing to say but all gratitudes are truly yours
To all friends, thank you for being good companions.

(Quote / Strong hook)

We do understand, all beginning has it ends, so does my speech. Much appreciated for your kind attention.
See you when I see you!
Wassalamualaikum wr wb

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